Shame. On. Me.
Especially since I identify myself as a heteromantic asexual.
Now, thee most vaguest definition of an asexual, is lacking sexual attraction. Asexuality is on a spectrum, so there are all kinds and types. Some are sex-repulsed, others enjoy sex; some have a high libido, others don't; some experience romantic attraction, others don't... The list of "one and the other", and everything in-between is extremely great within the asexual community.
I'm honestly trying so hard to give at least some background for you to read, but I did some searching through other people's posts and found this WONDERFUL comic that covers practically every assumption that's made about asexuals.
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If I weren't at a quiet location on campus, I would've clapped for every panel in this comic; you can find it here!
But it was such a relief when I realized there was a name for what I was. I've been like this my entire life and felt out-of-the-loop. I didn't try to change, but I knew I wasn't apart of the majority. I brought it up on Tumblr, and so many people told me I was asexual.
I looked into it, and seeing a whole community of people who ALSO loved kissing and cuddling and being held... and had no interest in anything else, was so reassuring. Looking into it deeper, I related to all of these points brought up above.
We will not be erased, I want to help spread awareness so others can find comfort in who they are too.
If you have any questions about asexuality after reading the great comic linked above, please don't hesitate to leave a comment in the comment section. Or leave me anything on my other social media!!