Sunday, March 30, 2014

March 2014 Favorites: Food

Excuse my crappy photo-editing and quality.

I tried, and failed. Haha. 

Anyway, I'm on to my personal category number two: favorite foods of March! Let's vein, shall we?

Honey Roasted Almonds and Pecans:

I take 'em from raw, to addictive crack in a few simple and easy steps! I'm almost one hundred percent positive all the nutrients are zapped from them by the time they're done, but hey! They're mighty tasty!

I first visited this recipe when I realized we had a HUGE tub of almonds from Costco, and no one was touching them for months.

So per usual, I looked up "easy/simple/quick"_________ recipes. And voila! I came up with this delicious outcome in about 20 minutes or so. Maybe even less time.

In a nutshell (no pun intended), you basically: roast the nuts, mix salt and sugar in a bowl, put a tablespoon of salt/sugar mix into bowl for your prepped nuts, and mix the roasted nuts (once they're ready) in honey, water, and oil-- so the salt/sugar mix can have something to adhere to.

Let 'em sit and cool, then chow down!

I get requests from my mom, dad, and grandma to make them quite a bit.

... I actually might make some this weekend now that I'm typing about them, haha!

Olive Oil and Balsamic Vinegar French Bread Dip

Oh laaaaaawd, I was eating this to DEATH this month! To me, olive oil is just as satisfying as butter on bread (which I'm grateful for, due to the health benefits of extra virgin olive oil).

I like doing that dipping combo, but then I decided to add a few drops of balsamic vinegar.

My heart went to heaven.

Just lightly toast some French bread for dipping and MMMMMMM.

Turkey Hill Coconut Cream Pie & Cookies and Cream Ice Cream

I THINK Turkey Hill is a brand only sold at Kroger, but boy is it good! 

My dad read my mind while he was at the store the other day, and thought I'd like a coconut cream pie ice cream. He purchased a winner.

It tastes just like a Marie Calendar frozen coconut cream pie, minus the awkward anticipation of wanting a pie you can't fully enjoy because the center's still frozen.

Maybe you'd assume the ice cream is just vanilla with coconut shavings and some type of sweet crust thrown in the mix. Nope. The actual ice cream base tastes custardy to me, and coconut prominent, and the crust bits decadent, like small nuggets of cheesecake-type decadent.

I think stray bits of the crust gems here and there really pull this frozen dessert together.

The Cookies and Cream has just always been a staple of mine. PLENTY of cookie chunks and a creamy ice cream base surrounding all of that cookie goodness.

Ever had a Chick Fil A cookies and cream milkshake? I think this ice cream is the dessert version of that. Again, the ice cream doesn't just taste like vanilla, but richer.

Together? They compliment each other beautifully.

I know this month's favorites were lacking, but I'm still learning how to plan and schedule. I'm glad to have given you some sort of content, though!

Wish me luck with future posts!

Until next time!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 2014 Favorites: Viewables

Since I can be kind of picture-heavy, I've decided to do monthly favorites in sections during the last week of the month. Plus, it'll be easier to navigate doing a category per post rather than bunching it all together-- all pictures and sections. The categories will purely depend on what I'm into for that month.

Sounds good? Good.

Today, I'll talk about the things I've viewed this month that have really stole my heart:

Breaking Bad

Shut up. I know, I'm late... Extremely late... Hush...
Anyway I FINALLY finished Breaking Bad during my Spring Break, and IT. WAS. SUPERB.

I had pretty much all of the 5th season to watch, and toward its end, I was completely engulfed (per usual when I've decided to have a Breaking Bad marathon). Every time Netflix had a grace period between episodes, I'd yell "NOOOOOOO!! MOAR!! NOW!"

It's only natural.

The whole series was great, and the end was a roller coaster and masterpiece. I am over-the-moon about this work of art and every spec of brilliance involved in it from start to finish.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

This is another series I finally finished this month. I realized in the midst of a Netflix marathon that the whole show wasn't on Netflix.

A big ol' FAT "boooooooo."

Once my laptop was fixed, I went ahead and looked up the last chunk of episodes when I had the time. It was a very good choice to make, because the further it went along, the more I fell in love.

The ending was good, but I was honestly taking everything in because it's just such an awesome series!

In a nutshell (as best as I can describe), the show's about two young alchemists (people who can take chemistry matter, rearrange its molecules, and create something else or remold it) who try to bring their dead mother back. Bringing someone back from the dead is thee ultimate alchemist taboo, and they pay dearly for it.

So they go on a journey to find a way to make things right, and learn if it really is possible to bring back the dead.

My synopsis doesn't do the show justice at ALL. Each episode layers into more thought-provoking, and philosophical levels of awareness. The characters develop beautifully throughout, and there's plenty of twists and turns, and even tears (I've lost count at five... I've cried at least five times watching this series).

I'd highly recommend it! (P.S. I'd advise you to watch the first four episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist first, to kind of grab you in from the get-go and explain things a bit faster in the beginning, THEN start watching Brotherhood from start to finish. I did this on accident and loved the route it took me)

source: google images
This picture may not be giving the show its full effect... So here's my two favorite theme songs from the whole series (including what I've seen of FMA):


Loooooove it!

The Last of Us: Markiplier's Gameplay

So I'm into well-written zombie things now.

The Last of Us is a plot-heavy, moving, brilliant, video game (on the PS3 counsel) about the zombie apocalypse.

I know. My generic summary equals BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, SAME OL' ZOMBIE ISH. But wait! The reason I love this Let's Play so much is that it's so rich in its storyline. The characters develop, and are flawed. They aren't heroes... They just are trying to survive and make the best decisions during their conflicts (if they have a say in the matter, that is). I love how "statistic-y" this storyline is with its different kinds of zombies (bloaters, clickers, people that are newly turning, etc) and their ambiguous reasons for why each zombie exists as they are. 
Markiplier's commentary throughout keeps the watchers engaged with the story line, too. He brings up points and short discussions throughout his gameplay (I watch him all the time anyway, so there's that bias).

Things are getting.... Sad.
(source: youtube screenshot)

A clicker is a-comin'!
(source: youtube screenshot)

There's no slow start to this game. It kicks-off with a knee right in your feelings. And hey, if you'd rather watch the storyline and not Markplier (weirdo), then there are people on youtube who've recorded all of the cutscenes and played straight through with no interruptions to keep the story streamlined. Some people have it on easy, some had just the cut scenes... I'd suggest watching the one a little over 6 hours if you'd rather not hear commentary and not miss anything.

And if you'd like to skip all of this, there's been news for an actual movie based on this game in the making!

Ermo (1994)

I came across this movie on Netflix and the one-word, unknown, name caught my eye as well as the crazed-looking lady on the thumbnail.

Reading the synopsis, I found out that the movie is a satire on Western consumerism. A "keeping up with the Jones'", if you will. 

Set in rural China, a lady named Ermo tried to make a living for her sick husband and little boy by selling twisted noodles on the street. Her "advertisement" for her twisted noodles becomes a mantra throughout the film. 

Eventually, she gets a ride with a neighbor into town, and finds the biggest TV anyone around has ever seen.

Knowing her neighbor/rival even has a TV, she wants to get one, too (and stop her boy from going over to her neighbor's hour to watch television).

It becomes her focus. Her obsession as her husband worries about her priorities when he wants to put their money into their house instead.

How does this story end? Does she make the money? What kind of mess does Ermo get herself into while being possessed by consumerism?

Watch and find out-- sucked me in deeper than I thought it would. Couldn't bring myself to turn it off once it got a few minutes it.

I'm glad I finished it.

A little lengthy, but I hope you guys have enjoyed my favorite viewables for this month!

I'll try to get the next category up sometime this week. More-than-likely food'll be up next. ;)

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Monday, March 24, 2014

Motivational Whispers

I have the Bible app, and you can sift-through plans that'll give you a couple minutes of inspirational readings each day until the individual plan is complete.

I read the plans I subscribe to under a towel at night as I'm steaming my face.

Since I'm currently under this towel chilling, I thought I'd share a few screen shots of words that really spoke to me; I hope they do the same for you:

Have a great week, everyone.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Clarity is in Doing

I had my clinic "midterm" last week, and came to a realization: after four years of studies, I no longer think my path is in speech therapy.

I've LOVED and thoroughly enjoyed everything I've learned in this major, and that's not hard to do. You can love learning, but there's only so much a textbook can do.

Experience is what really tells you the truth about yourself.

I think it's very important to live life. Explore options and get your hands dirty.

Look at what really drives you, and what you enjoy doing in your free time. See that keyword? Doing?

Actions speak louder than words, yeah?

Anyway, although exploring is a wonderful epiphany, I feel I may need a bit more guidance. A great push is this site I found a few years back called It has hundreds, maybe thousands of articles written in such a casual way. They're filled with "ah-ha" moments, plenty of space to converse with the community, and one of my favorite ways to get my doses of their site in: email subscription.

I subscribed to their Mini-Kit emails a couple of years ago, but lost track and didn't really do much more than skim over each one. I now signed up under my new email address and find the helpful nuggets so refreshing.

There's no way you can lose. You can unsubscribe anytime you want, and each Mini-Kit they send comes around every few days so you're not bombarded with emails day-in and day-out.

Please give it a chance! A nice change from the dreaded emails you have to reply to on a daily basis might be nice.

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

A Link for 5 Ways to Mentally Spring Clean

Hello, first day of Spring!

We have nowhere to go buy up weather-wise, right?

Yeah?... I truly hope so...

Anyway-- weather-permitting or not-- the awareness of our mindsets can alway be reshaped and heightened, yes? Well I follow Free People (that overpriced hippie hipster clothing store) on Bloglovin', and read a very reassuring and eye-opening post from them that goes well with the new beginnings of Spring. And hey, it costs absolutely nothing to follow and read their awesome blog (surprisingly enough).

These 5 whispers of advice really started making my mind jog. I'd suggest taking 10 minutes out of you day to read this and scribble down some brainstorms for your OWN personal life.

It is your life to do with as you please, and I hope this prompt treats you kindly.

Until next time. Good day.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

(Trying) to Cope with Sadness

source: Tumblr

Do you ever have happy days but in the back of your mind, you're consistently anxious?

You're not being negative... You just know you're going to have an emotional relapse. You always hope the worst is over, especially on the great and mellow days... But in the back of your mind you know the dark days will be back.

And very recently, my own emotional relapse hit. As soon as I left campus today I became almost intolerable of existing.

Just like that I'm sad and scared because I don't want to feel this way; I want it to end. I doubt I'd ever off myself... But living becomes such a pain, and it's very very hard to try and find something to cheer you up.

This isn't like heartbreak. It can't be completely distracted with the aid of friends or a hobby that completely engulfs you... This is a storm that can't be stopped.

source: Tumblr

Here's how I try to cope to the best of my ability:

  1. Sleep... It's one of the only surefire ways that I can be okay for a little while. Temporary escape.
  2. Games... Play something minute like a flash game online or download one on your phone. They're made to be quick and fun, so to me? It won't become something to automatically depend on too heavily. Click here for one of my favorite sites for flash games. The third one on the top right with the jellyfish has my favorite calming track to just listen to).
  3. Write... If you feel like you have no one, write how you feel somewhere. Keep a notebook for just these types of days. When you want to vent and share but feel there's no one there.
  4. Collect quotes... Maybe writing doesn't work for you. Maybe writing actually frustrates you more because your mind is racing faster than your hand can keep up with writing. So look online for great, inspiring, quotes and just collect them. They may not even make you feel 50% better, but even a prick of light is better than nothing.
  5. Breathe... Focus on your breathing. Take deep inhales through your nose, and exhale slowly through your mouth. Sit with some mellow music-- or any music that just makes you feel good most days-- and just breathe. If you're into yoga, you could do a bit of that and hold poses to let each moment sink in for you. But finding just enough space for breathing is easy. Meditate, pray, focus on the music... I feel that even if your mind wanders a little bit, you're not doing anything else that'll stress you out even more.

So how do you deal with moments (maybe even days, weeks, months...) like this?

Let me know; we'll share ways to stay strong through these trying times.

Monday, March 17, 2014

In Loving Memory

I was packing my lunch last night for class; the pantry door is right next to your cage.

It's so easy for the door to swing open and hit the wall near your cage... And last night was the first time I did something intended for you in months.

The door swung-- per usual-- and I stopped it, before it had a chance to bolt you awake.

But then it hit me that you weren't there...

A fit of denial flashed across my mind, and I had to turn the corner to make sure I wouldn't hear your feet scuttle along your sand paper-covered perch to greet my face.

I didn't hear anything. No tweets, no walking... I saw no happy head bobs. Just a bare, gray, cage.

My heart sank. I'll forever be haunted by your frantic death in my hands.

I'll always have days where you float into my life and make me feel everything from joy to sorrow, and I appreciate it all. Even the pain that this brought me.

It reminds me that you've meant the world to me, and will never leave me. Even after death.

R.I.P. Zoey: 8. 9. 2003 - 1. 4. 2014

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Artist Spotlight: Alexa Meade

I've seen this artist's work all over the internet, and was taken aback when I found out that her canvas involves tangible items and human beings.

Alexa Meade turns 3D into 2D with her painting technique.

I finally put a face to the name when I saw that she had the honor of speaking for TED Talks. She's quite a young woman; one who was very close to working in politics after college. She came across the concept of shadows, and took a huge leap of faith to focus entirely on that.

I remember in her TED Talk, she mentioned this particular "piece" she did. She mentioned how hard it was to paint on fried egg.

I'd really rather you watch her inspiring TED Talk, but the last bit of synopsis I'll tell you about is when she began using milk as part of her canvas.

I find her work mind-blowing and absolutely stunning.

Alexa Meade, everyone.

You can check out more of her work on her official website:

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Improve a Day Within Seconds

This morning, I watched a video on TV of a tiny Asian woman who stood near the ledge of a building.

A large group of men leaned on the railing, which was a few feet away from the edge of the platform where the woman stood.

She must've said something that triggered the group, because hands grabbed at her, and pulled her back.

What saddened me was that despite her tiny physique, you could see her foot attempting to cling to the edge so she could finish the "job."

She was fighting to die.

I've seen videos and photos of people being saved from ending their lives, and the look on their face is usually one of exhaustion and tiredness. The almost collapse in an intangible pain.

But this woman tried even harder to fight for her abrupt end.

There are little things we can do to make a difference in someone's day. Not everyone can be helped as effectively as we hope, but why not give some of these 10 tips a try:

  1. Smile at strangers.
  2. Compliment someone.
  3. Leave a sincere Facebook message to someone you haven't talked to in a couple of months
  4. Let friends know you're always there for them if they need you (and try your best to follow through).
  5. Be "that friend" no one else is willing to be, to someone who is "different" and seems a bit lonely.
  6. Leave post-its up in public restrooms, on cars, and/or to your waiter or waitress with a silly pickup line or compliment.
  7. Offer to help someone who looks like they need it, instead of looking away embarrassingly (even if they get mad that they were spotted, feel good that you were even willing to help out).
  8. Treat workers respectfully, they're working hard to serve you in retail or at your table, or anywhere in-between, really. Cut them some slack and maybe even compliment their work ethic.
  9. On that note, be a good worker. Don't sweat the small things, and don't take out a bad day you're having onto someone else.
  10. Catch up with someone you haven't seen in a long time. Offer to meet them for coffee or lunch, and a walk if it's nice enough outside.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Artist Spotlight: Lauren Muller

Lauren Muller is one of many artists that inspire me. I just can't stop staring at her paintings and sketches.

She's also linked in my sidebar as one of my inspirations, if you haven't noticed. Just in case it wasn't a concern of yours, I decided to take it into my own hands to showcase her, and any other artists that fascinate me.


And here's the beaut behind the magic:

I follow/love her Tumblr, and she has an Instagram, too:

Thanks for viewing!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Touring IU

Last weekend I was convinced to leave schoolwork alone for a bit so I could visit some friends I hadn't seen since last summer.

So with friends and overnight things in-tow, we headed down to IU.

After a Friday night of hugs, games, heart-to-hearts, music, drinks, and $75 worth of Chinese food. You can never go wrong when quality time is spent with great friends.

We finally headed to bed around 5am, and one by one we crawled from our crevices of sleep a few hours later.

Since we bonded for hours on end the night before, most of us went our separate ways that morning to do our own thing.

Daniel and I decided to let Sasha give us the grand tour of downtown Bloomington, and we both were quite stoked to explore. And it was a gorgeous and warm day, too? We were beyond ready to roam.

Pygmalions: The Cat-Toting Art Store!

Everyone in that surface area had breakfast on their minds, because lines to the better breakfast places went out the door everywhere we went. We needed pondering time to think of alternative food places to eat, so I kind of pestered Sasha and Daniel to go here first after I was told they housed cats as well as art supplies.

I was absolutely smitten seeing all the supplies bunched and crowded high and low. All the colors and smells were thrilling-- I wanted to buy everything.

I soon spied a kitty comfortably laying in a computer chair off to the side of the store. The owners named both store cats after artists. I can lovingly say this one was an absolute sweetheart! She'd head-butt my hand whenever I stopped petting her, and followed me with her body whenever I left her reach to look at art supplies. I want a cat so bad.

I believe this sleeping beauty's name was Kiki. She was curled up right behind a box full of $1 button pins, as dark as the shadow it casted.

Moon Stones Jewelry Shop

Sasha took us here next-- a dangerous, dangerous decision. I feel in love with all the pieces in there!

Gems for sale.
The stone incased throughout this star was stunning!
Turtle ring.
High-polished elephant ring. It took several tried to get a shot without a glare!

This anatomically correct heart I found ended up stealing my heart. And for only $6? It was sold.

I was very inspired at this jewelry store, so I'm sure I'll find a beautiful way to showcase this charm someday soon.

The heart that store my heart.

Look at the artery detail!

Some of the places we visited were attached to Laughing Planet-- a healthy burrito shop-- but we decided not to get food quite yet. We weren't finished with our exploration.

Look at the rays on this gorgeous day!
Next stop was a vintage thrift shop with two stories; there were clothes everywhere. We almost immediately headed to the second level, where more trendy and interesting clothes awaited us.

I spied on the platform railing near the stairs these beauts. It was love at first sight! Alas, they weren't my size. If only, if only...

I also ran across this gorgeous leather bag with a light gray lining. There were so many things I fell in love with here.

I decided to just take a picture, because I'm sure it'll last longer.

Which Wich?

We finally decided we were all hungry enough to grab a bite to eat. Everything was still pretty crowded, and Daniel and I wanted to try something we didn't have back in Indianapolis.

So we decided on Which Wich?.

The concept of this sandwich shop was unique and fun! You chose your initial bag, and each number matches up with a meat or specialty. So 1 could be chicken (then there are several ways you can order the chicken, 2 could be beef, 3 seafood, etc. etc... You get the deal.

Once you've picked a bag and a sharpie, you mark up your bag with any topping you'd like. The bag labels what costs extra, but majority additions-- from the crispy onion strings, to the candied walnuts-- are free of charge.

My concoction. It was missing honey mustard, but it was light and DELICIOUS!
Record Shop

After everyone ate, we headed the the underground CD and record store in the basement of the same place with the vintage clothing store.

The first record that caught my eye was this one. La Piscine: An Invitation by Laetitia Sadier to Keep On Swimming. I've listened to a couple of the five songs on Spotify since seeing this album, and the songs match the cover in my opinion. I'm not sure who Laetitia Sadier is, but her songs are beachy and relaxed.

Either something you'd play outside in the summertime while eating lunch, or in the early afternoon at an Urban Outfitters when their summer floor is out.

The last set of albums that caught my eye were St. Vincent's albums. I found out that the lady on the cover is the singer of the albums, and she was just so striking to me. Doe eyes get me every time.

St. Vincent is considered indie-rock, according to Spotify, but she definitely has some pop features to her songs. She kind of reminds me of Regina Spektor's forgotten little sister who wanted to stand out with a twist. And boy, are some of her songs quirky.

I thought her cover choice for this album was striking; I loved it.

I can't really say if I like either artist a whole ton, PERSONALLY. I'm not one for songs that are more mellow. I have to be in the mood for smooth songs like that. And St. Vincent, although not 100% mellow, is just not entirely striking a chord with me.

I'd still say they're worth checking out!

"The Gentleman's Shoppe"

I'm too lazy to look up the name of this place, but while walking the streets, we saw a window filled with structured leather suitcases and manly men things.

So we took a peek inside and as soon as you stepped in, the smell of leather and tobacco welcomed you. It was pleasant, the whole store was intriguing.

Carved pipes, NOT made out of ivory.
Our final stop was a small cafe filled with coffees, chocolate, and pastries. I didn't get anything, but Daniel got a Caribbean Rum macaron and Sasha ordered a hot Chai tea.

I apologize for the length of this post, but when you're a tourist you've GOT to take pictures galore, right?

I really enjoyed the much-needed break amongst friends and hope to see everyone again really soon.

Later, gators!