Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Yoga: How It Clicked for Me

Yoga is not meant for "keeping up with the Jones'" in a contortion contest. Believe it or not, it honestly is a mental and physical journey. Seeing what your body can do, learning patience, and keeping your mentality in the present makes the practice even more intriguing every time you step on the mat.

I took up yoga last summer, but haven't found the types of powerful resources and inspirations until this summer.  Why not share what I look into for my specific practices, so hopefully readers can come across the same "ah-ha!" moments as I have?

Yoga with Adriene

I used to watch youtube videos here and there, but I decided to watch one of these yoga videos by Adriene and fell in love. She's a quirky, calming, and a vividly informative yogi. One of my favorite traits about her is the way she approaches each move like she's reading your mind, and solves any problems you could possibly have with a move by creating verbal visuals. I don't know how many times I've had her explain a move, resulting in me telling myself oh NOW I feel it! What a difference!

Good quality videos, a great yogi, excellent energy. Perfection, in my eyes.

Instagram: _kariooo

Her bright and vibrant photos, and captions create a lot of good vibes for me! She has wonderful tips on how to improve your practice and you can even email her if you need a list of resources to begin your yoga journey. Her email address is:

Instagram: yoga_girl

Rachel Brathen is a woman that possesses a wonderful way with words. Her photos are beautiful, but I 
love the words she speaks more than anything else. She has such meaningful captions and keeps her
emotions raw and real. Sadly, she has lost many dear ones to her heart this year, and she writes about all
of those events and just as a way to get through it. She also has a blog or two I'd read through, because her
posts-- although lengthy-- are captivating enough to read and feel uplifted and connected unlike any way I've 
felt almost any other way by a collection of words before.

Get on your mat today-- especially with these motivational resources-- and start your yoga journey! Even if it's focusing on your breathing, or a gentle five-minute stretch. Just take that first step on that mat and run with it. 

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