Thursday, June 19, 2014

Tips + Tricks: Reheating and Reviving Leftover Steak

So you just couldn't finish that steak, eh?

Well... I never can. But the last few I've had have been perfection: Medium rare, charred, juicy, thick, and tender.

What I realized taking the stiff, cold thing from the fridge the next day was:

How am I going to successfully heat this thing??

So I'm here to tell you what I do; it works every time for me! First I stick the steak in a durable plastic bag (make sure it can take heat) like the picture below.

Boil some water...

Then place the bagged steak in a heat-resistent container, and wait. I placed a heavy spoon on top to make sure the entire steak was submerged.

Give it anywhere from 7 to 15 minutes to heat (I usually lose track of how long I keep it in the water) and it'll be heated up, but still juicy and for the most part medium rare! The only parts that may thoroughly cook through is the very outside of the steak, but it's still just as tender and moist as the rest of the steak. 

If you want to doctor it up, you can add one last step: quickly sear it in a pan (so as not to over... uh... recook) with a little butter, salt, and pepper if you feel it needs a little "oomph!".

Enjoy your future leftovers!

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