Sunday, July 6, 2014

Living Life

Source: Tumblr

I'm a pretty simple person:

I just want to be loved, get and give great hugs, eat delicious food, and be surrounded by good company and energy.

Unfortunately, Life doesn't always have these same pleasures in mind.

Life is a manifestation of the good and bad. Sometimes we'll experience sadness so painful that it becomes physically hard to breathe, and you wonder if it's worth living through such heightened agony. Other times you will feel so intoxicated with happiness and light that you'll wonder if you'll ever touch the ground again.

But Life was meant for you to feel it all. You're strong. Our hearts are resilient-- just look at how far you've come.

Feel it all, and know that: time passes, hearts heal, and love is loyal as long as you look for it (within yourself and your passions) and hold it close.

Life's highs never last, but it doesn't mean you're living a bad Life. It just means you're living. Make the best of it and know that the heavy times will eventually pass. You were built to overcome.

Source: Tumblr
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