Monday, March 17, 2014

In Loving Memory

I was packing my lunch last night for class; the pantry door is right next to your cage.

It's so easy for the door to swing open and hit the wall near your cage... And last night was the first time I did something intended for you in months.

The door swung-- per usual-- and I stopped it, before it had a chance to bolt you awake.

But then it hit me that you weren't there...

A fit of denial flashed across my mind, and I had to turn the corner to make sure I wouldn't hear your feet scuttle along your sand paper-covered perch to greet my face.

I didn't hear anything. No tweets, no walking... I saw no happy head bobs. Just a bare, gray, cage.

My heart sank. I'll forever be haunted by your frantic death in my hands.

I'll always have days where you float into my life and make me feel everything from joy to sorrow, and I appreciate it all. Even the pain that this brought me.

It reminds me that you've meant the world to me, and will never leave me. Even after death.

R.I.P. Zoey: 8. 9. 2003 - 1. 4. 2014


  1. So my eyes are full to the brim with tears right now.... and I just wanted to say...I'm so sorry that she's not here anymore.
    Honestly. I know how it feels. I lost my guinea pig last October, after having him for five years. So I know. A little animal, that might seem so insignificant to others, really becomes a part of the family and a part of your heart.
    So RIP, Zoey. You lived a good life and were loved.

    1. Thank you, thank you, thank you, soooo much.

      I'm so so sorry I'm just now seeing this... I never expect to get comments, so I appreciate this! Her death was tragic to our family, and I'm glad you can relate. Very bittersweet, but I'm glad someone understands.

      Thank you, love!
